
I helped my husband’s office manager quit because he is an awful boss

My husband is a doctor. He’s a good husband and an amazing doctor but he is awful as a boss and is rude to his staff. I’m a nurse myself and I would rather die than work for him full time. His office manager is amazing. She has so much experience and have been patient enough to deal with his attitude for years. Yet he refuses to raise her pay even though I’ve explained to him time and time again that he could lose her if he didn’t. He’s been stressed out at work due to the challenges healthcare is dealing with right now and has been even more rude. When I call him out on it, he gets defensive. I saw her cry last week after he yelled at her over something very stupid and decided to encourage her to leave and find a better job. I asked her…

My husband is a doctor. He’s a good husband and an amazing doctor but he is awful as a boss and is rude to his staff. I’m a nurse myself and I would rather die than work for him full time.

His office manager is amazing. She has so much experience and have been patient enough to deal with his attitude for years. Yet he refuses to raise her pay even though I’ve explained to him time and time again that he could lose her if he didn’t. He’s been stressed out at work due to the challenges healthcare is dealing with right now and has been even more rude. When I call him out on it, he gets defensive.

I saw her cry last week after he yelled at her over something very stupid and decided to encourage her to leave and find a better job. I asked her to give me her resume and I looked for jobs that could fit her background and sent her links so she could apply. She had an interview today and they offered her more money and better benefits than my husband and her hours will be way better too.

I know he’s going to be mad at me when he finds out but I hope he learns to treat his employees better and understands that being a boss doesn’t give you the right to be an ass. I can’t wait to see his face when she gives him her 30 day notice.

To anyone out there who has an awful boss, never forget that you can easily find a new job if you really put your heart to it.

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