
I got illegally fired 3 months ago , and now I need a loan to get back on track. Can I get one?

Hello everybody! ​ I got fired from my job. The reason was really unlawful. I hope the people who did it to me will burn in hell. ​ About 3 months ago, I had terrible food poisoning. Sorry for revealing those details here. But, I felt really sick, so I had to make an appointment with the doctor, and he even prescribed some antibiotics since it was some sort of gut infection. The point is that I had to stay at home for a week and I couldn’t go to the office at all. It was a terrible experience, but I didn’t expect anything even remotely worse to arise later. ​ When my doctor told me that I had to spend at least one week at home, I called my boss immediately to inform that bitch that I was sick. I didn’t call her bitch then, though. She said everything…

Hello everybody!

I got fired from my job. The reason was really unlawful. I hope the people who did it to me will burn in hell.

About 3 months ago, I had terrible food poisoning. Sorry for revealing those details here. But, I felt really sick, so I had to make an appointment with the doctor, and he even prescribed some antibiotics since it was some sort of gut infection. The point is that I had to stay at home for a week and I couldn’t go to the office at all. It was a terrible experience, but I didn’t expect anything even remotely worse to arise later.

When my doctor told me that I had to spend at least one week at home, I called my boss immediately to inform that bitch that I was sick. I didn’t call her bitch then, though. She said everything was OK and wished me to get well soon.

But, on my return after the lunch break, my boss called me to her office and told me that I was fired because my performance had significantly decreased. I reminded her that I was sick and needed to stay home to recover, and I could show her the records that I had an appointment with my doc. Then she said that she had a few people work to replace me, and they did a great job without me, and she would call security if I didn’t leave the building immediately. I was so upset that I signed all the papers, gave them my work id, packed my stuff, and left without saying goodbye to everyone.

I emailed the CEO later on and explained that this is illegal to fire people for a sick day off and attached the evidence that proves that I was in a hospital and then my doctor told me to stay home. But he said that he saw the report about my weak performance and accused me of lying. I thought there was nothing to lose in this situation. One day I will file a lawsuit against them in the employment tribunal. But now I need to get back on track.

Things have been pretty bad since. I’ve been job hunting for a while but couldn’t find anything. I had to sell my car to pay my bills and rent. Now, I finally found a new potential offer. But, if I pass the final job interview, I would need to get there, most likely by car. It would take me at least 2 hours to get there by bus. I was wondering if I could apply for a car loan to get a new ride if I’m still officially unemployed, but I hope I will pass the last face-to-face job interview. I recently ran into this link —, but I’m not sure if it’s applicable in my case. What would you do?

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