
Parents force me to get job, but make me quit when they don’t like it.

I'm really pissed. I hate work, I hate having a boss. The word 'subordinate' pisses me off. I (M34) live with my parents and last month they made me get a job or else I'd be kicked out. My parents are rich, they don't need me to support him. But I believe in family so I got a job. I was working for a month as an entertainer, for parties or hospitals mainly. I also picked up smoking. Yesterday my mom caught me smoking and asked me what the hell I was doing. I explained to her that I was working as a Walter White impersonator and needed to smoke to get the voice and stay true to the character, maybe even develop stage 3a lung cancer like him for authenticity. Her and my dad basically said smoking and 'panhandling' (they don't like to call me an entertainer) was not…

I'm really pissed. I hate work, I hate having a boss. The word 'subordinate' pisses me off. I (M34) live with my parents and last month they made me get a job or else I'd be kicked out. My parents are rich, they don't need me to support him. But I believe in family so I got a job. I was working for a month as an entertainer, for parties or hospitals mainly. I also picked up smoking. Yesterday my mom caught me smoking and asked me what the hell I was doing. I explained to her that I was working as a Walter White impersonator and needed to smoke to get the voice and stay true to the character, maybe even develop stage 3a lung cancer like him for authenticity. Her and my dad basically said smoking and 'panhandling' (they don't like to call me an entertainer) was not a real job and are moving me in with my aunt in a trailer park. Now my aunt is nice, but she wont let me smoke weed in the “house” nor let me call her 'aunt Marie' like in breaking bad. What do I do? I don't wanna work but I got a job offering to pick berries for 10 bucks an hour to cover trailer rent.

Edit: Thank you for the silver, it helps me keep going. Very sad right now. I'm all out of miller highlife and I'm on my last Friends VHS.

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