
Reparations: it’s time! But how?

Reparations are a sensitive subject, but should not be, here’s why: • the conversation is immediately subverted and turned into a racial issue; while there certainly are racial disparities to consider, reparation shouldn’t be given based on race • regular citizens (voters) are concerned they will “lose their social status” to someone who receives reparations; if done correctly 90% of all citizens will receive some form of reparation Backstory (extremely summarized): • everyone who has been enslaved, manipulated, cheated, held down, pushed back, limited or impeded in any form both personally and via family legacy deserves some form of reparation; this includes members from every single race, color, creed, and gender on this planet (please research to understand the breadth) How does this happen? • it starts by understanding the culprits (corrupt criminals and immoral beings) and the victims (the poor and disadvantaged, globally) Who pays? • the EXACT families…

Reparations are a sensitive subject, but should not be, here’s why:

• the conversation is immediately subverted and turned into a racial issue; while there certainly are racial disparities to consider, reparation shouldn’t be given based on race
• regular citizens (voters) are concerned they will “lose their social status” to someone who receives reparations; if done correctly 90% of all citizens will receive some form of reparation

Backstory (extremely summarized):
• everyone who has been enslaved, manipulated, cheated, held down, pushed back, limited or impeded in any form both personally and via family legacy deserves some form of reparation; this includes members from every single race, color, creed, and gender on this planet (please research to understand the breadth)

How does this happen?
• it starts by understanding the culprits (corrupt criminals and immoral beings) and the victims (the poor and disadvantaged, globally)

Who pays?
• the EXACT families who’ve done the worst deeds in history; essentially THE RICH, the 12-13 families that run the world and their extended families and descendants who’ve benefited

How do we know who should be held accountable?? WHO PAYS!?!?

THIS IS MY FAVORITE PART, I’m grateful to all who’ve kept reading…

• through FORENSIC ACCOUNTING AND FORENSIC GENEALOGY, it it very easy yet time consuming to map all of this out. We can identify criminal, immoral, and corrupt actions of major political and aristocratic families dating back over 1000 years. We can PROVE who has benefited. Through natural and civil law or BRUTE FORCE we the people, the poor, the marginalized, the disenfranchised can take back what’s been taken from our families for centuries and that’s exactly what we should do.

Why do we keep failing?

• because we allow mass media and silly talking heads to come into our arguments and pick them up as their own only to subvert them and pin us all against each other. Our first major battle in resetting the world MUST BE the poor rising up together (of every race) unanimously. The “powers at be” know this and make every attempt to keep us fighting one another for this reason. I would like to postulate that racism itself is driving by these factors and if the poor succeeded in raising up together we create a deeper bond with our fellow man. The group success alone would instill more trust and deeper bond with one another and quite possibly destroy all racism forever! We won’t know until we get there, but most certainly blacks and whites fight each other has no positive ending, meanwhile rising up together as the poor vs the rich has hope; just remember taxation is not the pathway to attack the rich as they own the government and policy and have been laundering, evading, bastardizing, and corrupting since the beginning of recorded history (yep the Catholic Church too)We need to take back what’s been taken for the last 1000 years and we need to take it from those who truly stole it; government money printers just cause more problems as well… this is a fiscal policy issue that I can explain separately if needed.

Ok… first steps…

The internet is going to internet, so reactions to this very post will be telling; let’s see who agrees and who’s rather argue to create greater divide (watch for bots creating drama).

An idea to test participation in the movement:


Seems simple enough, but we all need to survive … yes, we will likely have to buy surplus the week before and the same money will be spent, BUT this is about showing the power of the movement and completely halting cash flow… you’ll find that the governments of the world cannot operate with constant cash flow, same as corporations. This is also due to monetary policy that few understand and it will only make sense when seen in action…. Ok, almost there … last piece is the when and why?

When: November 1-7, 2022

Why then?

• it must happen quick enough that they cannot learn the plan and react to it
• need enough time for this idea to circulate to gain participants, but not too much that they can circumvent our goal
• symbolism in the timing leading up to US midterm elections

If this makes some sense to you please feel free to copy/paste into any social media platform. Let’s show the “elite” that we can and will come for them, together, bonded by the need to preserve our rights and seek remedy for actions done against us.

P.S. buy a Black’s Law dictionary and make sure you understand what words mean in a legal context

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