
Is this retaliation?

So a coworker went to HR because she had an issue with our boss (basically boss is a micromanager and nitpicks. My coworker became quieter as to not be belittled, boss countered that coworker was no longer participating. Plus other issues) So this coworker went to HR and HR took her to the bosses boss. Bosses boss said that coworker had a negitive attitude and needed to take attitude seminar, got suspended for a short amount of time and written up. Is this retaliation? Suspension was waived because coworker has never had a write up in the decades they worked there. Now my other coworkers are afraid today go to HR because they dont want to be punished. In reference, bosses boss was friends with boss before being hired in, and thats how she got the job. They acctually had to change the title because boss isnt qualified for the…

So a coworker went to HR because she had an issue with our boss (basically boss is a micromanager and nitpicks. My coworker became quieter as to not be belittled, boss countered that coworker was no longer participating. Plus other issues) So this coworker went to HR and HR took her to the bosses boss. Bosses boss said that coworker had a negitive attitude and needed to take attitude seminar, got suspended for a short amount of time and written up. Is this retaliation? Suspension was waived because coworker has never had a write up in the decades they worked there. Now my other coworkers are afraid today go to HR because they dont want to be punished.
In reference, bosses boss was friends with boss before being hired in, and thats how she got the job. They acctually had to change the title because boss isnt qualified for the position. (That detail, plus my name, might be a giveaway, but fuck it.) Many people have went to HR about boss, but have been overlooked or brushed off.
This is an ongoing issue with boss and I havent decided what I want to do yet. Every day is a shitstorm for someone in my department. I LITERALLY have stories daily. Everyone hates our boss and has issues with boss. She makes everyone in our department miserable, but we LOVE what we do. I honestly want to stay just to see how this plays out, in solidarity with coworkers and to tell her off.

Thanks for any help.

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