
My supervisor quit and the potential new supervisor is a power hungry idiot.

I hate her so much that if she gets the job I’m immediately putting my two weeks in. She tried to have me written up for getting to the punch clock 2 minutes early for lunch after screaming at those of that were there that we were wasting company money. She wouldn’t let me take allergy medication from the medical supplies (which is there for free use by us as long as we tell someone) She also writes people up if she’s sees you stopped working to chat for a few minutes. One time a new employee was asking me for advice and she came up in a hissy fit talking about how talking isn’t included in our job description. Meanwhile just like at every job ever half the time she’s at work she’s just on her phone in the office and laughing it up with the supes (but at…

I hate her so much that if she gets the job I’m immediately putting my two weeks in.

She tried to have me written up for getting to the punch clock 2 minutes early for lunch after screaming at those of that were there that we were wasting company money.

She wouldn’t let me take allergy medication from the medical supplies (which is there for free use by us as long as we tell someone)

She also writes people up if she’s sees you stopped working to chat for a few minutes. One time a new employee was asking me for advice and she came up in a hissy fit talking about how talking isn’t included in our job description. Meanwhile just like at every job ever half the time she’s at work she’s just on her phone in the office and laughing it up with the supes (but at least the supes try to look the other way as long as your work is getting done)

Our manager is also on this bullshit but at least after everyone went to HR about his bullshit he isn’t on the floor much anymore but supervisors have to be.

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