
My turn to rant….long time lurker

So I joined this company 4 years ago for a large technology deployment project at least.1.7 Billion dollars. We finally deployed and at the time my boss really cool lady says you will have a home here to support the solution in production…all is well till late last year and she doesnt get a promised promotion and ends up leaving our group. She was the best awesome lady knows her shit highly educated…. So the end of the year employee survey comes out and CEO is not happy people are over worked most do not have have backups so a lot of these dudes are working 16 hours a day easy, on their days off and on the weekend and over their vacations huge cluster fuck…so they announce this year we will be hiring more people for permanent roles and build up a strong organization….so now everyone is stoke…..till three…

So I joined this company 4 years ago for a large technology deployment project at least.1.7 Billion dollars.

We finally deployed and at the time my boss really cool lady says you will have a home here to support the solution in production…all is well till late last year and she doesnt get a promised promotion and ends up leaving our group. She was the best awesome lady knows her shit highly educated….

So the end of the year employee survey comes out and CEO is not happy people are over worked most do not have have backups so a lot of these dudes are working 16 hours a day easy, on their days off and on the weekend and over their vacations huge cluster fuck…so they announce this year we will be hiring more people for permanent roles and build up a strong organization….so now everyone is stoke…..till three weeks ago.

Several directors announce that many of enterprised architechs assigned to a specific product will have their title remove and they will be just Enterprise Architects…many left wondering wtf does that mean…till this week when they announce they will be outsourcing all the support and Enterprise architechs will roll freely thru the company…to other r workstreams even thou most of them are SMEs in their workstream and technology solution

So instead of hiring more people they pull this shit….I am not affected but I am already counting the months till i get my bonus and I may just dip fuck this spineless pricks.

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