
Healthcare and Work

My employer is crying about people calling in sick because shocker: covid. That and a couple of his employees have chronic illness, not that he gives two shits about us to be bothered to know that. So he's implementing that if we call in sick we need a doctors note as to why. Well hurray. My anti-seizure medication just failed me today so I went home sick. My brain hurts like hell, I'm still having staring spells so I'm not entirely sure I'm in the clear so I may end up calling sick tomorrow. Point being is I pay through the teeth for insurance and while it's supposed to be decent for prescriptions, when it comes to actual doctor visits, it's complete garbage. Also one of my prescriptions aren't even covered by insurance so…actually saying it's good for prescriptions is debatable. A neurological doctor visit is 3 fucking days of…

My employer is crying about people calling in sick because shocker: covid. That and a couple of his employees have chronic illness, not that he gives two shits about us to be bothered to know that. So he's implementing that if we call in sick we need a doctors note as to why. Well hurray. My anti-seizure medication just failed me today so I went home sick. My brain hurts like hell, I'm still having staring spells so I'm not entirely sure I'm in the clear so I may end up calling sick tomorrow. Point being is I pay through the teeth for insurance and while it's supposed to be decent for prescriptions, when it comes to actual doctor visits, it's complete garbage. Also one of my prescriptions aren't even covered by insurance so…actually saying it's good for prescriptions is debatable. A neurological doctor visit is 3 fucking days of work. So this assclown is demanding that even though I'm already being punished by not being able to work, that I must also sacrifice an additional 3 days of income to prove that I'm sick. I already have a neurology apt. next month plus it generally takes a week plus to even get in so I don't know what he magically expects to get out of his new policy.

Next question, if my medication keeps failing, anyone know how to get on disability?

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