
When coworkers don’t address you by your name.. thoughts?

I don’t want to overthink this, it’s probably nothing, but I observed this regular pattern and I’m wondering what’s really behind it. I have a coworker who will send me emails, message me or call me, but never addresses me by my name. It’s always hey, hi, hey there, hello, etc. Even if the email has multiple people included, and it’s directed towards me, she’ll just say hey or hi or no greetings. It never crossed my mind until I also noticed she doesn’t do this with anyone else. With other employees, she will greet them by their name, in emails, chat and phone calls. Like, “Hi, Mike” “Hey Sally” etc. I personally, think it’s nice when people sends email and greet others by name instead of a “hey there.” I do it when I send a chat or email, just to be respectful. Is she just not being respectful…

I don’t want to overthink this, it’s probably nothing, but I observed this regular pattern and I’m wondering what’s really behind it.

I have a coworker who will send me emails, message me or call me, but never addresses me by my name. It’s always hey, hi, hey there, hello, etc. Even if the email has multiple people included, and it’s directed towards me, she’ll just say hey or hi or no greetings.

It never crossed my mind until I also noticed she doesn’t do this with anyone else. With other employees, she will greet them by their name, in emails, chat and phone calls. Like, “Hi, Mike” “Hey Sally” etc.

I personally, think it’s nice when people sends email and greet others by name instead of a “hey there.” I do it when I send a chat or email, just to be respectful.

Is she just not being respectful towards me and more respectful towards other people? Maybe she don’t like me? Don’t like my name? I have a common American name, it’s not hard to pronounce and it’s short.

What are your thoughts? Maybe I’m just over thinking. Like I said, it’s not a big deal. I just noticed the pattern and thought it was unusual.

Work Background:
I’m a project manager at a small architectural firm.
Person in question is an office administrator.

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