
I was excluded from the company wide raise because I was on a “Performance Improvement Plan”

So I started working data entry at Pharmerica exactly a year ago. Then, I was excluded because I was a new hire, so surely I thought I would get it this year. Around the time they announced the raise (which let me tell y’all its a 37 cent raise) I was also put on a performance improvement plan to increase my orders entered an hour to the required 12/hr. At the same time I had just started working a second job to help pay bills, so I was stressed the fuck out! Nonetheless I was only on it for maybe a week & my numbers improved significantly. But that didn’t matter. They had also announced anyone on the plan would be excluded from receiving a raise. Which I found very unfair so I spoke to my director and she said its out of her hands and that I would have…

So I started working data entry at Pharmerica exactly a year ago. Then, I was excluded because I was a new hire, so surely I thought I would get it this year. Around the time they announced the raise (which let me tell y’all its a 37 cent raise) I was also put on a performance improvement plan to increase my orders entered an hour to the required 12/hr. At the same time I had just started working a second job to help pay bills, so I was stressed the fuck out! Nonetheless I was only on it for maybe a week & my numbers improved significantly. But that didn’t matter. They had also announced anyone on the plan would be excluded from receiving a raise. Which I found very unfair so I spoke to my director and she said its out of her hands and that I would have to wait till next year. However she said I could email her my reasoning on why I deserve a raise and she could forward it to a higher up.

I have yet to email her and I wanted to hear peoples opinions on this. Even though it’s only 37 cents I’m ready to go to hell and back for it.

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