
same job wtf need advice

Just found out that my coworker and I who have the exact same job have different titles. There are only two of us in our department and we do exactly the same thing, however I just found out that their title is coordinator and mine is assistant. Idk if there is a pay difference and what that looks like but I'm upset to find out that we have the same level of experience, same duties, but different titles. When I asked the person who trained us (not our supervisor) the response was “it's just a title”. Well it matters to me because it does not reflect the work that I do and makes it seem like my coworker somehow has more authority/responsibility than I do. But we do the exact same thing. I want to bring this up to my supervisor and ask for a title change, I would appreciate…

Just found out that my coworker and I who have the exact same job have different titles. There are only two of us in our department and we do exactly the same thing, however I just found out that their title is coordinator and mine is assistant. Idk if there is a pay difference and what that looks like but I'm upset to find out that we have the same level of experience, same duties, but different titles. When I asked the person who trained us (not our supervisor) the response was “it's just a title”. Well it matters to me because it does not reflect the work that I do and makes it seem like my coworker somehow has more authority/responsibility than I do. But we do the exact same thing. I want to bring this up to my supervisor and ask for a title change, I would appreciate some input on how to do this tactfully. Thanks

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