
Well, now I’ve filed for worker’s comp ya clucker…

I had to have an emergency hysterectomy in August that sucked up all my PTO and then some. So I go into work on Tuesday and get stung inside by a great black wasp. My hand immediately started to swell and the hives started to bloom up my arm. I couldn’t find my epipen, so I drove myself to the hospital where they administered Benadryl, Xanax, steroids and Pepcid. They monitored my blood/ox levels and breathing for four hours before sending me home. I took the next day off of work because on 300 mg of Benadryl, I didn’t think I could safely drive to work, much less…safely work! So I come in today and my boss wants to know what we’re going to do to make up those hours – are you kidding me???? I almost died. I just said, we’ll figure it out on Monday, called our payroll…

I had to have an emergency hysterectomy in August that sucked up all my PTO and then some. So I go into work on Tuesday and get stung inside by a great black wasp. My hand immediately started to swell and the hives started to bloom up my arm. I couldn’t find my epipen, so I drove myself to the hospital where they administered Benadryl, Xanax, steroids and Pepcid. They monitored my blood/ox levels and breathing for four hours before sending me home. I took the next day off of work because on 300 mg of Benadryl, I didn’t think I could safely drive to work, much less…safely work! So I come in today and my boss wants to know what we’re going to do to make up those hours – are you kidding me???? I almost died. I just said, we’ll figure it out on Monday, called our payroll company, and got the ball rolling on my workers comp. So now, I’m going to stick you with my ER bill as well as my two days of PTO.

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