
I just got sacked from the Giant’s Causeway

I worked in a café at the visitors centre and let me tell you it was the most busy and stressful job I’ve ever had, and the most understaffed too. With 2 people manning the cafe and three full buses of tourists arriving at a time it was unimaginable. The management were horrible people and really didn’t want to be there. I asked my manager for a quick toilet break and not even a minute later she came banging on the loo door shouting my name. Anyhow, I felt a little sorry for them and really tried my best as I was inexperienced and they were constantly crying about how understaffed they were. It was part-time and I needed the money outside school hours so I asked for the rota. Weirdly after a few weeks Jackie said she didn’t have the rota for me and to call my agency to…

I worked in a café at the visitors centre and let me tell you it was the most busy and stressful job I’ve ever had, and the most understaffed too. With 2 people manning the cafe and three full buses of tourists arriving at a time it was unimaginable.

The management were horrible people and really didn’t want to be there. I asked my manager for a quick toilet break and not even a minute later she came banging on the loo door shouting my name.

Anyhow, I felt a little sorry for them and really tried my best as I was inexperienced and they were constantly crying about how understaffed they were. It was part-time and I needed the money outside school hours so I asked for the rota.

Weirdly after a few weeks Jackie said she didn’t have the rota for me and to call my agency to get it. I did and they told me I’d been sacked. Stating I kept leaving the café unannounced. I only done this once after asking permission to check out the gift shop so I was really confused.

My question to you all is this, how can a company cry out that no one is willing to work (minimum wage) yet sack staff on a whim? Is there no such thing as job security? Did I do something wrong?

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