
I opened up about some mental health issues to my bosses. 2 hours later, they fired me—citing my poor mental health

I was hired to do data entry. I loved my job—until they changed my duties a couple months after I was hired. Now I was spending all day doing sales calls with very little data entry. This is not at all the job that was described to me & I struggle with sales. On top of this, my mental health hasn’t been so great (just look at my post history) & the large number of daily sales calls was negatively impacting me. One boss saw that I was struggling & pulled me aside to ask what’s up. I described this to him. He said I should ask for more off-phone responsibilities. So I did. Next day, I open up to another boss about my mental health. 2 hours later, i’m fired with no warning. This is in spite of them spending the past 2 months assuring me I was doing…

I was hired to do data entry. I loved my job—until they changed my duties a couple months after I was hired. Now I was spending all day doing sales calls with very little data entry. This is not at all the job that was described to me & I struggle with sales. On top of this, my mental health hasn’t been so great (just look at my post history) & the large number of daily sales calls was negatively impacting me.

One boss saw that I was struggling & pulled me aside to ask what’s up. I described this to him. He said I should ask for more off-phone responsibilities. So I did. Next day, I open up to another boss about my mental health. 2 hours later, i’m fired with no warning.

This is in spite of them spending the past 2 months assuring me I was doing a great job & they would accommodate me. I specifically mentioned a fear of being fired to one of them, and they assured me I had nothing to fear. That was the day before they fired me.

Truthfully I think the fact that I’m trans & neurodivergent didn’t help. After all, racist jokes were constant in that workplace & they fired a dude for speaking Spanish on the floor. Somebody posted an antisemitic caricature in the group chat the same day I was fired.

I’m afraid to name them because I fear they’ll sue me—and I can’t afford a lawyer.

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