
why are customers so fucking weird

Okay i just need to rant for a second I had a very strange experience the other day. I work in a hardware store so we get a lot of contractors in all the time, some of them with…. interesting opinions. Now, this is nothing im not used to, as i used to work an installation job at construction sites a few years back, and ive never had an issue getting along with most contractors. However, This dude comes through my till while im covering for one of the people who called in (im a supervisor). Dude walks up, and just goes without any hesitation “hello, redhead brother! Are you procreating??” At this point in my head im going what the fuck who opens a conversation like that??? But in reality i just customer service laughed and went “nah, not yet”. i actually dont want kids but i didnt want…

Okay i just need to rant for a second

I had a very strange experience the other day.

I work in a hardware store so we get a lot of contractors in all the time, some of them with…. interesting opinions. Now, this is nothing im not used to, as i used to work an installation job at construction sites a few years back, and ive never had an issue getting along with most contractors.


This dude comes through my till while im covering for one of the people who called in (im a supervisor). Dude walks up, and just goes without any hesitation “hello, redhead brother! Are you procreating??” At this point in my head im going what the fuck who opens a conversation like that??? But in reality i just customer service laughed and went “nah, not yet”. i actually dont want kids but i didnt want drama and i had a hunch about this guy, and it turns out my hunch was 100% correct. He proceeds to go off about actual nazi conspiracy theories about how redheads are a dying breed that are being bred out, and how we need to stick together to not be replaced. I just sort of smiled and nodded until his transaction was finished while internally screaming “you are a fucking moron”, and he ends the interaction with “stay strong, redheaded brother”

Why are so many customers such freaks, dude??? Who the hell opens a conversation with “hey are you fucking?” I told this story to my other coworkers, and apparently this guy is a regular who gets weird when one of my very outwardly gay or PoC coworkers helps him.

Im just so over it, i dont care about your smooth brained conspiracies, im just here for a paycheck.

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