
rescinded job offer bc company is unprofessional and unprepared

i hate my current job and have applied to over 100 jobs since july of this year – no one ever gets back to me. FINALLY things seem to be looking up – i get an email from a job to set up an initial phone screening. i do it, it goes well. they want to set up a video interview. i say i’m going on vacation for a week, can it wait until after that? they say sure but you might miss the opportunity. i say fine, i will take time out of my VACATION to interview for the position. because the more i learn about the job, the better it seems. COMPLETELY REMOTE, still utilizing my degree but also allowing me to get into another more lucrative field. i was beyond excited. i do the interview, it goes well. the next day, THEY OFFER ME THE JOB. i…

i hate my current job and have applied to over 100 jobs since july of this year – no one ever gets back to me. FINALLY things seem to be looking up – i get an email from a job to set up an initial phone screening. i do it, it goes well. they want to set up a video interview. i say i’m going on vacation for a week, can it wait until after that? they say sure but you might miss the opportunity. i say fine, i will take time out of my VACATION to interview for the position. because the more i learn about the job, the better it seems. COMPLETELY REMOTE, still utilizing my degree but also allowing me to get into another more lucrative field. i was beyond excited.

i do the interview, it goes well. the next day, THEY OFFER ME THE JOB. i was so surprised and so excited. so caught off guard and blinded by the thought of getting out of my current job, i verbally accepted the offer immediately. they send me an official offer letter on friday to sign. i talk to some people and decide maybe i should try to negotiate a higher salary. on monday of the next week i have a call with one of the people who interviewed me about a few questions i have. everything still is going well, they are confident in my ability to do the position, and DO IT FULLY REMOTE.

tuesday and wednesday i am waiting on a response for salary negotiation. thursday they say they won’t budge on the salary. i ask for a week more of PTO instead. they say we will discuss and get back to you on friday. all still seems hopeful.

friday the recruiter calls me. they are rescinding the offer. why? they did some re-evaluation and determined the position cannot actually be completed fully remote.

you had a job posting up for at least two weeks not knowing for sure if it could be done remotely? you interviewed and assured candidates it could be completed fully remotely without knowing for a fact? YOU SENT ME AN OFFICIAL OFFER LETTER FOR A FULLY REMOTE JOB THAT YOU WOULD DETERMINE A WEEK LATER WOULDNT WORK?

i am lucky i didn’t quit my current job or make any other decisions that could’ve cost me a lot more than just annoyance.

either this group of people are EXTREMELY unprofessional and unprepared, or they are lying about the reason they rescinded the offer. perhaps they didn’t like that i know my own professional worth and asked for it.

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