
i just told my coworker i quit

i’m done with it. i mentioned it to her before and she went and told the manager, and i was nudged at by basically all of the upper staff about whether i’m okay all week. i’m through dealing with customers and their shitty attitudes only for piss-poor pay and barely enough dine-in traction to cover the bartender’s rent. my mother had mentioned sticking around until i was hired somewhere else but at this point, i figure it’s not my business, and if they want to worry about my well being, maybe they’ll think twice about the rate they pay their servers. especially with the awfully small amount of tips you earn. i was a month in and they had me with a trainee on the floor, someone who had been doing serving longer than me, and she told me that the average tip amount i would get per night was…

i’m done with it. i mentioned it to her before and she went and told the manager, and i was nudged at by basically all of the upper staff about whether i’m okay all week. i’m through dealing with customers and their shitty attitudes only for piss-poor pay and barely enough dine-in traction to cover the bartender’s rent.

my mother had mentioned sticking around until i was hired somewhere else but at this point, i figure it’s not my business, and if they want to worry about my well being, maybe they’ll think twice about the rate they pay their servers. especially with the awfully small amount of tips you earn. i was a month in and they had me with a trainee on the floor, someone who had been doing serving longer than me, and she told me that the average tip amount i would get per night was laughable. we’re talking $50 on a night shift, being paid under $5 an hour.

so even if i don’t have immediate reemployment lined up, i decided to ditch the sinking boat. my trainee left last week and so have i now. thank god i live with my parents.

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