
My job just screwed me over.

So earlier this year I reduced my hours by one shift as my Mother had a stroke which effected her so much that she could no longer support herself at home so I had to sort out a care home/clear out her house for sale. Not to mention the mental duress that caused me. Now with the increasing cost of living in the UK I cannot survive/pay my bills off my reduced hours and had a sit down with management to discuss picking up my old shift. Well, they turned round and basically told me that it suited the company to reduce my contract and only give me the extra day as and when THEY need ME. I told them that I can’t afford to stay if that’s the case. To which they simply said that it’s too bad as I’m a good colleague but they’ll just have to hire…

So earlier this year I reduced my hours by one shift as my Mother had a stroke which effected her so much that she could no longer support herself at home so I had to sort out a care home/clear out her house for sale.
Not to mention the mental duress that caused me.

Now with the increasing cost of living in the UK I cannot survive/pay my bills off my reduced hours and had a sit down with management to discuss picking up my old shift.

Well, they turned round and basically told me that it suited the company to reduce my contract and only give me the extra day as and when THEY need ME.
I told them that I can’t afford to stay if that’s the case. To which they simply said that it’s too bad as I’m a good colleague but they’ll just have to hire someone else.

So now not only do I have to find a new job this close to Christmas and potentially deal with emergency tax/etc but I’m so stressed out about bills that I don’t know what to do. Having a conversation with the Union tomorrow.

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