
Boss threatens to report minors to HR for calling out sick

Today at a mandatory meeting with myself and my coworkers (mostly under 18), one of my bosses threatened to report employees to HR if they called out sick and begged us to help her find coverage if we do call out. One other boss nodded along, and our upper manager announced her departure at the end of this week. We are part time workers, most of us in school. In the employee handbook, it says that there must be 8 hours notice to call out. Apparently that isn’t enough time for managerial staff to do their jobs. Thinking of starting a union with the high schoolers lol

Today at a mandatory meeting with myself and my coworkers (mostly under 18), one of my bosses threatened to report employees to HR if they called out sick and begged us to help her find coverage if we do call out. One other boss nodded along, and our upper manager announced her departure at the end of this week. We are part time workers, most of us in school. In the employee handbook, it says that there must be 8 hours notice to call out. Apparently that isn’t enough time for managerial staff to do their jobs. Thinking of starting a union with the high schoolers lol

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