
Lead is pissed that I put in 2 weeks notice! Need advice before I go insane.

In my department, there are my boss, lead coworker, another coworker, and I. The lead should be the manager, but she didn't want the responsibilities, so her tittle is the same as the 2nd coworker and I. My boss is the CEO and has little to no knowledge of what my department does, so my lead coworker runs the department. She has over 30 years of experience in the field and 2 years at our current hospital. Within her 2 years in this hospital, she has made 3 people leave within 6 months — two of them left on the spot without a NOTICE. My lead coworker is a TOXIC person. When I joined, she MADE IT clear that the 3 people left because of their PERSONAL ISSUES, not her. She seemed very insecure about people leaving her. My current boss and leadership love my lead coworker. They all BELIEVE…

In my department, there are my boss, lead coworker, another coworker, and I. The lead should be the manager, but she didn't want the responsibilities, so her tittle is the same as the 2nd coworker and I. My boss is the CEO and has little to no knowledge of what my department does, so my lead coworker runs the department. She has over 30 years of experience in the field and 2 years at our current hospital. Within her 2 years in this hospital, she has made 3 people leave within 6 months — two of them left on the spot without a NOTICE.

My lead coworker is a TOXIC person. When I joined, she MADE IT clear that the 3 people left because of their PERSONAL ISSUES, not her. She seemed very insecure about people leaving her. My current boss and leadership love my lead coworker. They all BELIEVE that those 3 people left due to medical reasons or stress from the pandemic. Many people from different departments reported my coworker, but they were ignored because my boss ALWAYS supported her.

Anyway, I put in my two weeks notice to my boss after 11 months (lots of mental suffering and trauma) and I told my boss that I'm leaving because it's not a culture fit. My lead found out and was grunting and having a difficult time maintaining her posture throughout the day.

She then assigned me to so many meetings, tasks to do, and made so many unnecessary snarky comments to piss me off. For example, she would ask me to do something and ask me “Are you sure? Are you confident with your answers?” She would say it in a sarcastic way then laugh to make me look dumb. She used to do doubt me a lot by asking me these questions, but this time I know it's intentionally to piss me off. I know that she shouldn't live in my head for rent free, but her comments do get to me. After 3 days of ridiculous comments all day since we're in the same office, I finally told her to do it if she doesn't trust me. She responded, “Don't be mad, it's just for validation purpose.” Then she would laugh, and this shit pisses me off. I've been rolling my eyes at her for Thursday and Friday.

Anyway, I'm losing my temper and posture. I'm afraid that I will explode before I leave because this lady has messed up with my mental health for the past 11 months. I literally have gone crazy because I wanted to leave since day 1 but stayed due to my lease. What should I do? Stick for another 1 week? FYI: I do not have a job lined and have booked international flights to take a break for a few months. I have enough savings for a few years, so finance isn't an issue.

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