
Girlfriends Co-workers are claiming she is bullying andthey are lying about her work ethic

​ She recently joined a retail job where it is quite competitive in terms of you need certain amount of sales, talk to customers and work colleagues will often rush to who gets to talk to which customer. The manager does a tally chart at the end of shifts congratulating on sales. My gf told me she managed to be extremely friendly and got a £260 sale from a customer and she was extremely proud of this, however the manager did not even write this down on the achievement board like she usually does and recieved little to no praise eventhough it was the highest sale of this month. My gf usually comes home very happy and in a good mood , talking about how friendly everyone is and how much more she enjoys this job compared to her last jobs (largely consisting of waitressing and bar tending) and how…

She recently joined a retail job where it is quite competitive in terms of you need certain amount of sales, talk to customers and work colleagues will often rush to who gets to talk to which customer. The manager does a tally chart at the end of shifts congratulating on sales. My gf told me she managed to be extremely friendly and got a £260 sale from a customer and she was extremely proud of this, however the manager did not even write this down on the achievement board like she usually does and recieved little to no praise eventhough it was the highest sale of this month.

My gf usually comes home very happy and in a good mood , talking about how friendly everyone is and how much more she enjoys this job compared to her last jobs (largely consisting of waitressing and bar tending) and how chill and down to earth her manager and coworkers are. Instead, today she came home in tears saying how her manager ripped into her saying her coworkers have reported “concerns” my gf is bullying them by saying costantly “(gf) is saying this job is too easy and she doesnt interact with us at all and alienates herself”. this is total BS. Not once has she ever come home and claimed the job is “too easy” , she instead says how much more she enjoys it and loves the pacing and atmosphere compared to her previous jobs. She also wouldnt shut up sometimes over how nice everyone is and how she thinks shes really good friends with her coworkers.

As mentioned before, she managed to snag a £260 sale from a customer and instead of being put on the achievement board, her coworkers told her manager that she is not engaging enough with customers and hides away during busy hours which resulted in her getting berated by the manager instead based off the word from her collegues. this is again total BS, as my gf claimed that she spoke to nearly every customer and tried her best to help them, but most of them didnt want help and wanted to just be left alone and get on with their shopping and this meant gf wasn't “engaging enough”, Yet during training they specefically told her to not be pushy and leave customers alone when they clearly want to be.

The manager also told her that she is not allowed to have a day off for an extremely life threatening kidney condition. The weird part about this is , my gf told me she confined this to her coworkers and very subtely mentioned that she will be having a operation but has no idea when (this is because UK NHS has extremely long wait times and the patient rarely knows when until closer to the estimated time). The manager ripped into her for this also stating she had to tell her a date for the surgery and that she wasn't allowed anyway to take holiday off as this wasn't mentioned in the interview , eventhough me and gf have no idea when this operation will happen, if it even happens this year. So not only are her coworkers bitchy towards her, it turns out she cannot even speak to them without them running off to the manager ready to tell the manager my gfs whole life story and ratting on her.

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