
Antiwork colleague taught me a lesson

A few months ago I had in my team a new colleague. She always did the minimum to survive without hassles, and refused to do anything that wasn't explained in detail to her. What shocked me tough was that my boss was much nicer to her than he ever was to me, even if for years I always did more than what was asked from me. He spent a long time explaining to her trivial details as if they were a big deal, even when it was obvious that she was just playing dumb to avoid doing work. After three months she quitted, citing vague health reasons, but several hint from previous discussions made me suspect she had found a job more suited to her interest. My boss told me he was “shocked” since she had “so much potential”. At first I was a bit hurt realizing how clueless my…

A few months ago I had in my team a new colleague. She always did the minimum to survive without hassles, and refused to do anything that wasn't explained in detail to her. What shocked me tough was that my boss was much nicer to her than he ever was to me, even if for years I always did more than what was asked from me. He spent a long time explaining to her trivial details as if they were a big deal, even when it was obvious that she was just playing dumb to avoid doing work. After three months she quitted, citing vague health reasons, but several hint from previous discussions made me suspect she had found a job more suited to her interest. My boss told me he was “shocked” since she had “so much potential”. At first I was a bit hurt realizing how clueless my boss was, but then I understood I had actually learned a lesson. I've now quiet quitted (I work from home so my boss can't check how many hours I do) and always play up any small hurdle pretending it takes me a long time to solve it. Do you think my boss noticed the change? Of course not. He recently told me he is so happy about the work I am doing and offered me a raise to stay at the company.

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