
Revisiting old article about Women in the Eastern bloc for a related paper:

” Some might remember that Eastern bloc women enjoyed many rights and privileges unknown in liberal democracies at the time, including major state investments in their education and training, their full incorporation into the labor force, generous maternity leave allowances and guaranteed free child care. ” Particularly the last part there, just a reminder that in 2022 in the 'richest country on earth' those things are STILL not provided to the population; by the way, when it says state investment in education, they mean free college tuition. That doesn't excuse the most egregious atrocities of the soviet government, but it certainly serves to remind that it isn't black and white. Edit: In case anyone is wondering it's from an opinion peice in the NYT,

” Some might remember that Eastern bloc women enjoyed many rights and privileges unknown in liberal democracies at the time, including major state investments in their education and training, their full incorporation into the labor force, generous maternity leave allowances and guaranteed free child care. “

Particularly the last part there, just a reminder that in 2022 in the 'richest country on earth' those things are STILL not provided to the population; by the way, when it says state investment in education, they mean free college tuition. That doesn't excuse the most egregious atrocities of the soviet government, but it certainly serves to remind that it isn't black and white.

Edit: In case anyone is wondering it's from an opinion peice in the NYT,

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