
Even though my job offers sick pay and has generous PTO, I’m still working remotely while sick because I’m an American who has never had sick days before

I'm not dying or anything, I'm just a bit stuffy and slow. I know taking it easy today would allow me to recover faster. But in 20 years of working I've never had a job that offered sick days. Often I'd be sick as a dog coming in and interacting with co-workers or the public because I needed the money. I'm so gaslit by these old companies that I never even told my boss I was sick, even though I'm working from home and we had a virtual touch-base today. I know she'd have absolutely no problems with me taking a break, but….. To quote an old boss, “I'll sleep when I'm dead.”

I'm not dying or anything, I'm just a bit stuffy and slow. I know taking it easy today would allow me to recover faster.

But in 20 years of working I've never had a job that offered sick days. Often I'd be sick as a dog coming in and interacting with co-workers or the public because I needed the money.

I'm so gaslit by these old companies that I never even told my boss I was sick, even though I'm working from home and we had a virtual touch-base today. I know she'd have absolutely no problems with me taking a break, but…..

To quote an old boss, “I'll sleep when I'm dead.”

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