
It is with great pleasure to announce that I will be soon quitting my job a long side many other coworkers

A little bit of back story so I’ve worked at certain fast food restaurant we’ll call M because of its arches. I have worked here for about two years now and have been noticing that I get, “picked on” per say, by one of my managers. He used to be a good family friend of ours right up until my sister, she worked there for about 4 years, quit. Out of the blue he seemed to have turned on me from that point. It wasn’t anything to serious or something I could go up to my gm about because it wasn’t things that didn’t violate any rules. It was really just small things like forgetting my name tag or being a minute late. But what makes me think that he had been picking on me is because a lot of my other coworkers could do these things and never get…

A little bit of back story so I’ve worked at certain fast food restaurant we’ll call M because of its arches. I have worked here for about two years now and have been noticing that I get, “picked on” per say, by one of my managers. He used to be a good family friend of ours right up until my sister, she worked there for about 4 years, quit. Out of the blue he seemed to have turned on me from that point. It wasn’t anything to serious or something I could go up to my gm about because it wasn’t things that didn’t violate any rules. It was really just small things like forgetting my name tag or being a minute late. But what makes me think that he had been picking on me is because a lot of my other coworkers could do these things and never get into any trouble. It’s bugged me for a while but I’ve learned to live with it.

My coworkers, on the other hand, have had these luxury’s and weren’t to happy when they were taken away. You see a couple of weeks ago the managers got together and decided that they were going to buckle down on these luxury’s and even increase the price of the food we served. All of our moral was down because of some workplace drama that had gone down earlier and when these rules were forced it hurt us all a bit more. And the customers were also a bit more on edge because of the price increase. Not even a pizza party could fix that unfortunately.

So because of these events everything that was really fun and made the job worth it was taken away. The only thing we really had left was our friends who worked there but even then they started rearranging the positions that we were set in so that we would be as far away from each other as possible. This actually ended up hurting the company mores as when the crew was stressed we made more mistakes, this caused our times to drop and make more customers unhappy. Which also caused our moral drop more. This also caused a chain reaction of our managers harping on us more because these mistakes were made.

Finally, my coworkers finally understood what I went through every day. And they didn’t know how to cope as I have in the past which lead to them all deciding that, at the end of the school year, we will all put our two weeks in and go get a job somewhere else. Now that being said, if the quality of the working environment changes in a more positive manner they may not quit. As for me, I still might quit because of the way I had been treated in the past by that one manager. I’ll keep you guys updated, if you’d like, on if the situation changes at all.

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