
Haven’t slept in 37 hours working on a presentation and now I wanna call in sick

Presentation still ain’t ready, this job has taken the last ounce of sanity I had and this is my last straw. My boss decided last week, the day my PTO started, that she wants me to do a conference talk which involves about a month of research, was supposed to send her the draft on Friday and see her today and I’m still working on it. Had a mock presentation tomorrow in preparation for the big one on Thursday but I really just want to email her and say can we push it back a day it doesn’t matter I’m just exhausted and sleep deprived. But I’ve already pushed it back and I feel terrible. I’ve been having some health issues recently as well and missed a few days (she knew in advance)

Presentation still ain’t ready, this job has taken the last ounce of sanity I had and this is my last straw.

My boss decided last week, the day my PTO started, that she wants me to do a conference talk which involves about a month of research, was supposed to send her the draft on Friday and see her today and I’m still working on it.

Had a mock presentation tomorrow in preparation for the big one on Thursday but I really just want to email her and say can we push it back a day it doesn’t matter I’m just exhausted and sleep deprived.

But I’ve already pushed it back and I feel terrible. I’ve been having some health issues recently as well and missed a few days (she knew in advance)

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