
Bullshit sales contests

I just got an email telling me about a contest they are promoting for landing big accounts. Gee, I haven’t really been trying to get these big accounts, but now with this contest I guess I will try. I’ve been doing this long enough to realize that landing big accounts is largely a matter of luck. For that matter, as long as you are putting in the hours and following the process, the whole fucking thing is luck. Sure – I project an air of competence and sincerity, because I do sell a superior service. But whether any particular fish bites or not is complete luck. A fucking contest is not going to change that. In fact, being able to not be nervous about whether it’s going to happen is an advantage. I don’t look desperate because I’m not desperate. I know it’s mostly luck. I don’t mind pizza parties,…

I just got an email telling me about a contest they are promoting for landing big accounts. Gee, I haven’t really been trying to get these big accounts, but now with this contest I guess I will try. I’ve been doing this long enough to realize that landing big accounts is largely a matter of luck. For that matter, as long as you are putting in the hours and following the process, the whole fucking thing is luck. Sure – I project an air of competence and sincerity, because I do sell a superior service. But whether any particular fish bites or not is complete luck. A fucking contest is not going to change that. In fact, being able to not be nervous about whether it’s going to happen is an advantage. I don’t look desperate because I’m not desperate. I know it’s mostly luck.

I don’t mind pizza parties, I like free lunch, but any incentive beyond my commission is not going to change a goddamned thing.

Just had to get that off my chest.

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