
My boss, who is my stepfather, discounted my wedding day from my salary

I'll start this by saying that i'm from México so the laws are a bit different and i'm not looking for legal advice i just want to vent. Just like the title says, i got a whole day of work discounted from my salary because i got married on a saturday and didnt work that day. My boss is my stepfather and he was one of my wittness and went to the party too. I couldnt get married on a sunday, my only free day, because the goverment offices are closed that day. I'm a dentist and i've been working with my stepfather since i was 16 years old (i'm almost 30 right now). I'm not going to go into much detail, but right now i do five different jobs: i'm a dentist, a dental assistant, ocasional recepcionist, i reclute and train new employees, i'm in charge of some dental…

I'll start this by saying that i'm from México so the laws are a bit different and i'm not looking for legal advice i just want to vent.

Just like the title says, i got a whole day of work discounted from my salary because i got married on a saturday and didnt work that day. My boss is my stepfather and he was one of my wittness and went to the party too. I couldnt get married on a sunday, my only free day, because the goverment offices are closed that day.

I'm a dentist and i've been working with my stepfather since i was 16 years old (i'm almost 30 right now). I'm not going to go into much detail, but right now i do five different jobs: i'm a dentist, a dental assistant, ocasional recepcionist, i reclute and train new employees, i'm in charge of some dental technician works, i'm in charge of inventory and i'm also the one in charge of mexican and american insurances. Hell even sometimes i have to be the cleaning lady and IT guy.

I do all this for 600 dlls a week (3000 pesos), which is not bad, but it aint a lot either. I win the same amount as the recepcionist just to give some perspective. I work 8 hours from monday to friday and five hours on saturday (which are absolute hell because its the day were more entitled walk-ins come in and it's more work than a normal day).

There's been a lot of problems with work because my boss and stepfather is a boomer who doesnt wants to accept he is getting old, and it's starting to fuck up treatments big time.

I'm always there to fix it, but it's starting to take a toll on me too. My stepfather noticed i could do treatments fast and deal with dificult patients easily, and saw that as an opportunity to bring in more patients. But when we don't have the capacity to treat so many. There are days where we treat five patients in one hour, and it's not small things like xrays or cleanings, it's big treatments like crowns o multiple fillings. It's just insane.

So i admit i had an argument with him that we couldnt keep the pace up and that treatments (his treatments) we're beggining to fail and i wasnt always gonna be there to fix it. He gave me a polite “fuck you, i'm the boss” and it ended in me saying that i wouldnt do any extra overtime then (which i wasnt getting payed anyway) and that i would take my lunch breaks and leave when i had to leave.

He just got quiet and a week later, when i got married, he handed my paycheck with 25 dlls (500 pesos) less. I know that to him that money it's nothing, so he did it to be petty.

I don't know if i should quit because i had worse jobs and i least with this one i can kinda survive and pay for my medical bills, but i felt really sad and bad for those 25dlls…

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