
My coworkers voluntarily work an extra unpaid hour every day, and somehow I’m the bad guy.

The very first time I met with my boss, he said the hours are 8-5, and anyone working outside of those hours is a failure on his part. My coworkers routinely show up at 7:30 and work past 5:00. Meanwhile, I get to my desk right as our 8:00 meeting starts and I’m saying my goodbyes at 5:00 on the dot. By any metric we have, I rank first or second each month. My coworkers consistently make comments about the hours I put in. First of all. If I’m performing better than them over less hours, I think we’re critiquing the wrong person. More importantly, these people are putting in about an hour of extra, unpaid work every day. That’s equal to 6.5 weeks of unpaid labor every year. 33 days of free labor! But I’m the asshole.

The very first time I met with my boss, he said the hours are 8-5, and anyone working outside of those hours is a failure on his part.

My coworkers routinely show up at 7:30 and work past 5:00. Meanwhile, I get to my desk right as our 8:00 meeting starts and I’m saying my goodbyes at 5:00 on the dot.

By any metric we have, I rank first or second each month.

My coworkers consistently make comments about the hours I put in.

First of all. If I’m performing better than them over less hours, I think we’re critiquing the wrong person.

More importantly, these people are putting in about an hour of extra, unpaid work every day. That’s equal to 6.5 weeks of unpaid labor every year. 33 days of free labor! But I’m the asshole.

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