
Taxable “Thank yous”

I work in (mental) health care at one of the hospitals in my city. We are burnt out. We still have strict Covid policies and get yelped at it still all the time. Our case loads are astronomical and it seems like everytime I turn around I have a new duty to fight against as it's not in my unionized job description or duty. It's a sad state of affairs when mental health workers at a mebtal health hospital are not allowed mental health days. After almost 3 years of this nonsense the talking heads decided to have a week dedicated to thanking employees. So what are they doing? Well, they are giving us a free lunch at Christmas (normally a ticket is 3 bucks) and every Thursday until the end of the year they are giving away prizes of $60 gift cards. And by gift cards, they are giving…

I work in (mental) health care at one of the hospitals in my city. We are burnt out. We still have strict Covid policies and get yelped at it still all the time. Our case loads are astronomical and it seems like everytime I turn around I have a new duty to fight against as it's not in my unionized job description or duty. It's a sad state of affairs when mental health workers at a mebtal health hospital are not allowed mental health days.

After almost 3 years of this nonsense the talking heads decided to have a week dedicated to thanking employees. So what are they doing? Well, they are giving us a free lunch at Christmas (normally a ticket is 3 bucks) and every Thursday until the end of the year they are giving away prizes of $60 gift cards. And by gift cards, they are giving winners and extra $60 on put pay stub. The rub? It's tax deductible.

This is why employers scratch their heads and wonder why we insist in acting our wage, and only our wage.

Manager who don't work Frontline? They get unlimited vacation and massive bonuses.

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