
Written up for being upset

My managers/general manager scheduled my (assistant manager) vacation time without my consent. I was upset and circled the vacation day on calendar and wrote “we need to talk about this”. According to them that act of writing on the schedule was unacceptable and I was written up. They are still making me take my “vacation” time this week. I had all of three days to plan my “vacation”. Gave them two week notice today and they told me Its customary to give one month notice. I guess I'm working here until Thanksgiving or I can't use them for references.

My managers/general manager scheduled my (assistant manager) vacation time without my consent. I was upset and circled the vacation day on calendar and wrote “we need to talk about this”. According to them that act of writing on the schedule was unacceptable and I was written up. They are still making me take my “vacation” time this week. I had all of three days to plan my “vacation”.

Gave them two week notice today and they told me Its customary to give one month notice. I guess I'm working here until Thanksgiving or I can't use them for references.

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