
Remember Remember the Fifth of November

Ladies and Gentleman… is time for the People of every nationality, culture, clime or place, to rise together, and seize back control of the means of production, our FREEDOM. We must strike Saturday the 5th of November. Why Saturday? This is when most people go out, travel, etc, the weekend is when only the most disrespected of workers are working. Healthcare and Emergency Services aside, most of the people working on Saturday are your service and support employees, the cooks, and cleaners, waitresses, and barbers. Not your lawyers, not your Senators, and Judges, those who sit atop their ivory thrones casting judgement upon us. Your bankers and CEO's are off playing golf at the local country club, while that club pays the caddies “a little better then minimum wage”. We the People should not just be SURVIVING, we should be THRIVING. By this year, 2022, the Government has stolen TRILLIONS…

Ladies and Gentleman… is time for the People of every nationality, culture, clime or place, to rise together, and seize back control of the means of production, our FREEDOM. We must strike Saturday the 5th of November. Why Saturday? This is when most people go out, travel, etc, the weekend is when only the most disrespected of workers are working. Healthcare and Emergency Services aside, most of the people working on Saturday are your service and support employees, the cooks, and cleaners, waitresses, and barbers. Not your lawyers, not your Senators, and Judges, those who sit atop their ivory thrones casting judgement upon us. Your bankers and CEO's are off playing golf at the local country club, while that club pays the caddies “a little better then minimum wage”. We the People should not just be SURVIVING, we should be THRIVING. By this year, 2022, the Government has stolen TRILLIONS that accomplished nothing but enriching the rich and elite more, padding the pockets of those in Office, and we are set to return to this cycle? Are we willing to allow this system to be in place when our kids are our age?

We the People must go on Strike on Saturday the Fifth of November. We must not shop, spend, work, or cause others to work as well. For 24hours, we the People stay home. For months we were told we had to stay home, for ONE DAY, we are going to choose to stay home, were going to make the managers, owners, and executives fend for themselves, some of us will lose our jobs, some of us may be bribed to not partake, we will be threatened, we will be ridiculed, but we the People must rise. For if we do not, we the people will perish as citizens, and we will forever be known as slaves, for we are not free, and no this single action is not going to answer all our prayers, infact the only thing this might accomplish is starting the conversation on the workers of this nation receiving minimum of a LIVING wage and fair benefits in order for us to thrive and not just survive.

Remember Remember the Fifth of November, we strike to THRIVE, so we don't live to just SURVIVE.

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