
A really really REALLY long rant about my manager and how I may not have a job anymore

My manager is a terrible dude. Before him, the team could talk and joke, but now if we say anything it’s met with “you’re just lucky you don’t have kids.” He liked to especially get after me because I am the founder’s son. Sure my dad recommended me, but the I still had to do interview process and prove that I’m a good worker. My dad has even said on multiple occasions that if I’m costing him money he will not hesitate to fire me and frankly I believe him as he has already fired multiple cousins, close friends and his brother. The team knows I’m the boss’ son, but for the past 3 years they’ve treated me like any other coworker which is exactly how I want to be treated. I do the same work as them, get scolded for the same mistakes as them and get paid just…

My manager is a terrible dude. Before him, the team could talk and joke, but now if we say anything it’s met with “you’re just lucky you don’t have kids.” He liked to especially get after me because I am the founder’s son. Sure my dad recommended me, but the I still had to do interview process and prove that I’m a good worker. My dad has even said on multiple occasions that if I’m costing him money he will not hesitate to fire me and frankly I believe him as he has already fired multiple cousins, close friends and his brother.

The team knows I’m the boss’ son, but for the past 3 years they’ve treated me like any other coworker which is exactly how I want to be treated. I do the same work as them, get scolded for the same mistakes as them and get paid just the same as them. My manager, however, believes that I make more than him and harasses HR for how much I actually get paid.

He throws extra work my way, makes sure I’m on night shifts and still expects me to show up on time at 8am. Because of a recent promotion of two years of solid work, I am now salary so I couldn’t even get overtime like I used to. The team, excluding my manager consisted of myself and two other guys. The third guy eventually found a better paying job and left, leaving us down a guy. My manager had to hire a new person, but refused to pick a woman or any minority. Like, any female name or ethnic sounding name on a resume was thrown in the garbage no matter how qualified they were. My coworker told the director of our branch and after a two weeks of not hiring anybody, or director picked a woman.

Now this was a problem for our manager. Using his words, he is not allowed to work with women. The director is an exception because technically she wasn’t part of the team. Wasn’t a religious thing, his wife just forbade him from working with girls because she’s afraid he’ll leave her. When AJ was put on our team, our director and my dad who happened to be in the office, wanted to throw a big welcoming party for her. My manager refused to show up and stopped participating in after work events because of AJ. Since her hiring, he ignored her, talked bad about her and even refused to train her. My coworker, who was a position higher than me, had a lot more responsibilities with dealing with the director, so I took it upon myself to train her with what we do.

Because of this, she excelled at her position. She caught on quicker than the myself and she received praise from our director for being able to make some processes efficient. My manager didn’t have a reason to fire her anymore which ticked him off and he put it on me. I was given harder tasks to do that spanned into the early morning and still required me to get to work at 8am.

My job consists of overseeing operations of products getting from point A to point B. Fairly simple on paper, but in practice it can be a logistical nightmare. The previous night I was in charge of 8 of these operations and had to make sure everything went smoothly until 6am. My boss gets a call from the director to hire a new contractor for a whole other operation. He passes that to me which on a normal night would be fine, but for that particular night I was reasonably busy. Manager then calls me to say that he’ll watch over my ops and that he’ll keep me updated on any changes. I made sure to get that in text just in case because I didn’t believe him and then agreed to interview the new contractor.

I’m out of the game for maybe 3-4 hours to interview, explain the job, answer any questions, and then file his paperwork away. I call my manager to let him know and his wife answers. She demands to know why I’m calling so late and if I’m a woman. Turns out the dude went to sleep, god knows how long ago. Once she’s satisfied that I’m his employee he wakes up and demands why I call him. I ask if anything has changed and he flat out tells me “I went to sleep as soon as i hung up. If you want to not look like an idiot and mess up this job I guess you need to start reading all the updates and make sure you respond for every missed text and email”.

I do just that all night and when I get into the office I wait for him. I don’t say hi to anybody and just stare at the doors. Once he steps him I cuss him out. I just scream at him at the top of my lungs. My coworkers didn’t say anything, the director didn’t say anything and my manager didn’t say anything. I packed up my stuff and just left. He has been calling me all day and I’ve only just picked up recently to hear what he had to say. “Hey, man, I’m sorry you felt that way, but these ops were yours. I know you had to do the interview with the contractor, but you really should have still been on top of these operations.”

I cussed him out again and hung up. I’m pretty sure I don’t have a job anymore, but I have yet to receive any kind of email. I don’t even care anymore. I’d literally rather work anywhere else than there. I’m currently looking for similar jobs while I wait to be fired

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