
If you cloned Leonardo Da Vinci today, he’d be a wandering hobo.

We live in a society that does not appreciate the mutli-talented. Choose one thing, and do it well for some person until they don't need you anymore. Thats the world we live in today. You could be a mechanical engineer, go try to be and artist for 3 yrs, they'll never let you back into a firm. You could be a doctor, go spend a few years inventing and exploring the world, you'll never get your license back. This world we live in now, punishes the brave that seeks, and rewards the weak, that hide and fortress themselves away. Those of us that would gallantly ride into battle for Glory in past centuries- who do not wish to live for less- are bent to conform to subservience for some nameless cause, or we die fighting against that new will of society to silence and roll us under. There is no…

We live in a society that does not appreciate the mutli-talented. Choose one thing, and do it well for some person until they don't need you anymore.

Thats the world we live in today. You could be a mechanical engineer, go try to be and artist for 3 yrs, they'll never let you back into a firm. You could be a doctor, go spend a few years inventing and exploring the world, you'll never get your license back.

This world we live in now, punishes the brave that seeks, and rewards the weak, that hide and fortress themselves away.

Those of us that would gallantly ride into battle for Glory in past centuries- who do not wish to live for less- are bent to conform to subservience for some nameless cause, or we die fighting against that new will of society to silence and roll us under.

There is no honor in living in today's society.

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