
All it took was one bad day to get thrown away like a used condom

I [19F] have been working in a factory since August via student work. I used to go 2-3 times a week and noone ever had a problem with my performance. One time one of my superiors informed me that I'm staying way too long on the lunch breaks, which I actually did, because I was sure we had 25 minutes instead of 20. I apologized and ever since, I was (or at least tried to be) always on time. There were instances where I was 1-2 minutes late, but so were everyone else. On my last day there, I was having a pretty rough day for reasons I don't want to share. My work was sloppy because my mind wandered off too much. I even looked visibly distressed and exhaused. My job on that day was a typical factory manual job where I had tubes lined up in a carton…

I [19F] have been working in a factory since August via student work. I used to go 2-3 times a week and noone ever had a problem with my performance. One time one of my superiors informed me that I'm staying way too long on the lunch breaks, which I actually did, because I was sure we had 25 minutes instead of 20. I apologized and ever since, I was (or at least tried to be) always on time. There were instances where I was 1-2 minutes late, but so were everyone else.

On my last day there, I was having a pretty rough day for reasons I don't want to share. My work was sloppy because my mind wandered off too much. I even looked visibly distressed and exhaused.

My job on that day was a typical factory manual job where I had tubes lined up in a carton tray and I had to tightly screw the tips on them. Problem is, I didn't get a tray from the warehouse and a colleague told me to help another person with theirs while I'm waiting. After an hour, I got my own tray. Two hours later(which included a lunch break) I was half way done with it, when the supervisor appeared and started bashing me because I did only half in under 3 hours. Of course, this wasn't the case because it was only a little more than one and a half hours ago since I started working on it. I (foolishly or not, you decide) stood my ground because I can't stand it when someone talks down on me unjustifiedly. In the end she ended up leaving me alone. After our little dispute, I tried my best to shut down the thoughts and stop my mind from wandering off, mostly successfully.

That asshole of a supervisor returned and told the rest of my superiors to put me on a stopwatch to see how efficiently can I do my job and I of course did it way before the deadline she set.

I thought everything was set and she was going to acknowledge that I'm not as useless as she deemed me because of that three hours of one day. However just two hours ago, I recieved an SMS that they weren't satisfied with my performance so they are not going to be needing my services anymore. Mind you, this was the only time my performance lacked. They never warned me to do my job faster or more precisely. They never complained. All it took was this one bad day to be thrown out like a cigarette stub.

It may has something to do with me not letting that power hungry sad fuck to shit on me the way she wanted to and standing up to her when I felt like her bashing and scolding me was unjustified, but I don't care. It was indeed unjustified. Even after explaining myself and the situation, she was repeating the same exact thing like a malfunctioning parrot. I'm also sure she was just finding a reason to finally tell me some of her “wisdom”. I always felt like I was getting on her nerves just by existing, I saw it in the look she gave me whenever we made eye contact from a distance. It's actually really sad and worrying how a person up in the hierarchy can (and do) bring their personal biases into consideration when dealing with someone who's below them.

I am not sad nor angry because I lost this shitty job, I hated it anyway, but I'm worried because this just destroyed my plans for the following period. No matter how much I hated it, having a salary gave me a sense of protection and comfort. I was sure I can keep this job until the end of the year. Fuck this system.

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