
(Update) My (ex)boss had to fire somebody for hate speech, and we walked out.

You can check my post history to see the original post, but ill also post a link down below. So, a few weeks ago, My boss had to fire somebody for hate speech towards me (and others. as well as a mile long paper trail of issues). he was shortly after fired, and the bigot was rehired WITH A PROMOTION. myself, and a bunch of other people walked out. I don't know the entirety of what ended up happening, but my (ex) boss was offered his job back after the bigot was re-fired(after an investigation), he came back for a day, got some kind of early bonus as an apology, I don't know the whole details…. Then he Quit once he got the bonus, started working at home Depo, and took everybody that wanted to go with him to almost entirely restaff said store (28 people. nearly the whole staff,…

You can check my post history to see the original post, but ill also post a link down below.

So, a few weeks ago, My boss had to fire somebody for hate speech towards me (and others. as well as a mile long paper trail of issues). he was shortly after fired, and the bigot was rehired WITH A PROMOTION. myself, and a bunch of other people walked out. I don't know the entirety of what ended up happening, but my (ex) boss was offered his job back after the bigot was re-fired(after an investigation), he came back for a day, got some kind of early bonus as an apology, I don't know the whole details….

Then he Quit once he got the bonus, started working at home Depo, and took everybody that wanted to go with him to almost entirely restaff said store (28 people. nearly the whole staff, and all of those with any good experience. as well as a few client books.) . We are getting MUCH better pay, benefits and treatment, with a company that doesn't allow bigots to fail upwards and harass staff. (said bigot was a bit of just about every kind of ist you can think of)

We are still learning the ropes, but I and most of us that jumped ship, are really liking the change from Blue brand to orange brand, we get better benefits, and get to keep working with somebody we know will bat for us and have our backs if the corpo overlords try and give us trouble. most of us jumped from within 2 dollars of min wage to between 17-20 an hour too… What is it they say? The only way to guarantee a raise, is to change companies?

Anyway. If any of you have any questions, I would love to answer them. A lot of y'all blew up my inbox over the last 4 weeks asking for an update.

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