
I’m so fucking sick of work that I’m losing my mind.

Everywhere is the same shit. Incompetent leadership with out of control egos. Backstabbing two faced coworkers. Empty promises. Never making enough money for basic fucking necessities. Soul crushing work. I’m in sales now. First sales job. Same shit different flavor. I’ve gotta use manipulation and sales tactics to trick people into making a purchase because people are fucking stupid and are emotional buyers. Most of them need to be manipulated into giving away their money. But fuck dude, I need to make money! My people need money. I’ve always said I’ll be a millionaire one day. I want that so I can take care of my people but I’m not sure I can get it done. Today I feel like giving up. Death would be such a sweet release. I hate living in this stupid fucking world. People are fake and crazy af. I can’t trust a soul. Everything is…

Everywhere is the same shit. Incompetent leadership with out of control egos. Backstabbing two faced coworkers. Empty promises. Never making enough money for basic fucking necessities. Soul crushing work. I’m in sales now. First sales job. Same shit different flavor. I’ve gotta use manipulation and sales tactics to trick people into making a purchase because people are fucking stupid and are emotional buyers. Most of them need to be manipulated into giving away their money.

But fuck dude, I need to make money! My people need money. I’ve always said I’ll be a millionaire one day. I want that so I can take care of my people but I’m not sure I can get it done. Today I feel like giving up. Death would be such a sweet release. I hate living in this stupid fucking world. People are fake and crazy af. I can’t trust a soul. Everything is so fucking expensive it’s infuriating and couple that with low pay I’m ready to burn the whole thing to the ground. Thank God I can’t go super Saiyan cause the world would be ash by now.

What do I do?? What’s next??? Hop to the next job and hope for the best? Rant over I guess…

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