
What’s the antiwork position on tipping?

So I keep seeing posts of people talking about tips and how servers never seem to be satisfied with how much they are tipped and was wondering what is the antiwork position on tipping. I'm from California so every worker (that works at a legit place of business) gets paid minimum wage of $15 an hour. So I feel tipping has become a little unnecessary here since you are basically making the same per hour as a lot of other people and if you feel like you deserve more money you should be asking your employer for a raise instead of expecting people who may be getting paid less than you to give you their hard earned money. Then theres the constant judging of people who go out to restaurants and don't have money to tip that they should just stay home if they can't afford to tip. You don't…

So I keep seeing posts of people talking about tips and how servers never seem to be satisfied with how much they are tipped and was wondering what is the antiwork position on tipping. I'm from California so every worker (that works at a legit place of business) gets paid minimum wage of $15 an hour. So I feel tipping has become a little unnecessary here since you are basically making the same per hour as a lot of other people and if you feel like you deserve more money you should be asking your employer for a raise instead of expecting people who may be getting paid less than you to give you their hard earned money. Then theres the constant judging of people who go out to restaurants and don't have money to tip that they should just stay home if they can't afford to tip. You don't know the background of the couple that is out for dinner and only leaves a 5 dollar tip on a 100 dollar meal. It might be their anniversary and they saved up to go out somewhere special for one night. Or people like my girlfriend's widow mom who only works part time but likes taking out her 4 kids to their favorite restaurant on their birthday and who always tips generously but doesn't have the money to be doing so. And yes rich assholes that don't tip are another thing but doubt anyone here is like that so we are not talking about those people. If you live in a state that still pays less than minimum wage for wait staff I'm sorry and that really sucks your employers are taking advantage of you but why is it expected that working class people should be subsidizing other working class people's wages?

So yeah I'm kind of just wondering how people on this sub view tipping and do you ever feel bad when you hear servers complaining about not getting enough in tips? I personally just can't feel sorry for these people for every anecdote you hear about rich people not tipping enough you hear anecdotes about bartenders or servers that kill it in tips. Some where when you do the math they make way more than minimum wage. I know these cases are rarer than the rich people not tipping but it still happens.

And even tho I sound like i dont tip everytime my gf and I go out we always tip between $10-20. If it's 60 usually goes up to 70, 90 to 100, 120 to 130 so no matter what I tip $10 i dont really do the percentage. If my bill at the bar is 60 bucks and I got hooked up with a free drink or anything I feel was a hook up or an inconvenience to them I'll give them $20. I just don't see the point of paying people extra to do their job.

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