
Paycheck Changes

[ Background: I work in a kitchen at 13/hr. Recently, they’ve been on a tirade about getting people off the clock. One of my coworkers refused to get off since they were only at 28 hours this week, and refused to leave before their scheduled time which was two hours away. They got written up for insubordination. Almost no one is reaching full time hours, and as soon as night shift gets in, all the morning crew is off the clock regardless of how busy it is or how much work we’ve still got to do. ] I noticed since the beginning of the year our paychecks changed from being “Hourly Regular” to “Tipped Regular”. I’m curious if this how they’re getting around us not getting full time hours anymore, and how this is going to affect my taxes at the end of the year. I looked at the DoL…

[ Background: I work in a kitchen at 13/hr. Recently, they’ve been on a tirade about getting people off the clock. One of my coworkers refused to get off since they were only at 28 hours this week, and refused to leave before their scheduled time which was two hours away. They got written up for insubordination.

Almost no one is reaching full time hours, and as soon as night shift gets in, all the morning crew is off the clock regardless of how busy it is or how much work we’ve still got to do. ]

I noticed since the beginning of the year our paychecks changed from being “Hourly Regular” to “Tipped Regular”.

I’m curious if this how they’re getting around us not getting full time hours anymore, and how this is going to affect my taxes at the end of the year.

I looked at the DoL laws, and to be a tipped employee you have to receive at least $30/mo in tips, but my pay rate and taxes taken out of my check haven’t changed at all. I haven’t received any tips as far as I’ve noticed.

So I was wondering if anyone could shed some light on this, or maybe I’m just reading into it too much and this is just a normal thing? I’m planning on meeting with HR, but I don’t want to look like an idiot first.

Many thanks.

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