
I may be about to lose my job and don’t know what if anything i should do..

I work in retail as a cashier and on my last worked shift i had a customer ask me to load some funds on their cash-app for a few hundred dollars. Their app isn't one we normally support but he was insistent it should work from our website listing so i figured i would try it to appease him. Go through the process, scan the loading code from his phone app, take his payment all cash and as i put it in my drawer the post authorization comes through declined as the transaction not working and that i need to refund the cash. So i call my supervisor, cashiers aren't able to refund. It's all done through the supervisor on shift, notably the manager on that shift with me while kind is really bad at remembering their procedures and has a very laissez-faire take on their job. While i wait…

I work in retail as a cashier and on my last worked shift i had a customer ask me to load some funds on their cash-app for a few hundred dollars. Their app isn't one we normally support but he was insistent it should work from our website listing so i figured i would try it to appease him. Go through the process, scan the loading code from his phone app, take his payment all cash and as i put it in my drawer the post authorization comes through declined as the transaction not working and that i need to refund the cash.

So i call my supervisor, cashiers aren't able to refund. It's all done through the supervisor on shift, notably the manager on that shift with me while kind is really bad at remembering their procedures and has a very laissez-faire take on their job. While i wait for my supervisor to come up i hand back the cash so the customer doesn't get irritable and when my boss gets up to the register i explain everything. They don't know what they're doing and start playing around on the system i ask if the customer needs to wait or not and get a 'i think were good' figuring if the customer or app were needed since they had the cash the supervisor would let us know. so the customer leaves… Right before the supervisor realizes we needed the app information to process a return.

Long story short stuck without the app, they reset the system to try and clear the prompts and when that doesn't work they abort the whole thing as a last attempt. But now my system reads as under the same amount as the attempted load, but the overall store stats say we had all our cash. The issue mainly being paperwork and procedure oriented. Supervisor says the Manager will handle it, but i call to let them know what happened before they get hit by in on the next shift by surprise. Get a call a few hours later that i had to explain the events again and that one of the two of us is probably getting fired since our paperwork was so off from what it should be.

Both of us did parts of the procedure wrong, but im kinda freaking out after getting the call from the manager and figured i would come here and maybe get some advice/opinions on what if anything i should do…

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