
My boss told me he could replace me in a heart-beat

I work at a rural Australian pub in a town of ≈800. Before they employed me, it was a family-run business. Since then, in the span of about 5 months, three of their bartenders (including his mother and father) have quit. He’s drunk out of his mind, and I came down to take over even though we’re an hour over our licence, knowing that I won’t get paid for the hours. He looked me dead in the eyes and told me he’d replace me in a heart-beat, despite the fact they begged me to come work for them and waited over a month for me to start. Little does he know, I’m planning to quit come end of year. We’ll see what he has to say then.

I work at a rural Australian pub in a town of ≈800. Before they employed me, it was a family-run business. Since then, in the span of about 5 months, three of their bartenders (including his mother and father) have quit.

He’s drunk out of his mind, and I came down to take over even though we’re an hour over our licence, knowing that I won’t get paid for the hours. He looked me dead in the eyes and told me he’d replace me in a heart-beat, despite the fact they begged me to come work for them and waited over a month for me to start.

Little does he know, I’m planning to quit come end of year. We’ll see what he has to say then.

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