
Boss just offered me a 50% raise to stay… after I made it clear that I was leaving

I accepted a new job on Friday, one that I’ve been very excited about and looking forward to for Actual Years. The offer was a 25% raise from what I’m currently making, and I honestly wasn’t expecting even that much. I was going to hold off on telling my boss until I had settled on a start date with HR, but when I came in this morning I found a meeting on my calendar from my boss and grandboss to discuss “a raise”. They both knew that I was being considered for this other position, since Ididn’t want to blindside them — I’ve been here for 4 years and the department relies on me a lot. A few weeks ago, my boss and grandboss pulled me into a meeting with a terrible counteroffer: do what I’ve been doing, but now under more scrutiny and with the title that I should…

I accepted a new job on Friday, one that I’ve been very excited about and looking forward to for Actual Years. The offer was a 25% raise from what I’m currently making, and I honestly wasn’t expecting even that much. I was going to hold off on telling my boss until I had settled on a start date with HR, but when I came in this morning I found a meeting on my calendar from my boss and grandboss to discuss “a raise”. They both knew that I was being considered for this other position, since Ididn’t want to blindside them — I’ve been here for 4 years and the department relies on me a lot.

A few weeks ago, my boss and grandboss pulled me into a meeting with a terrible counteroffer: do what I’ve been doing, but now under more scrutiny and with the title that I should have been given a year ago, and lose my overtime privileges, for no additional money, because that’s just how the job ladder was changing. In other words, nothing to do with my actual merit or value to the department. I told them I would think about it.

When I saw that meeting in my calendar, I didn’t want to sit on the knowledge that I had already accepted the position and go on letting them think that me staying was the cards. That seemed rude and like a waste of time for everyone. So I told my boss that I had already accepted the job and I’m working with HR on logistics.

Cue my boss calling me with actual numbers, namely a 50% raise.

If this was about the money, I might be tempted. But then again, where the hell was that a year ago when she and I were holding the fraying edges of the department together? When I demanded transparency and raises for the rest of the team, lest people start to leave (which they did)?

The amount is impressive and flattering, but it doesn’t make up for the skeevy timing.

I’ll be taking that new job, and damn if I don’t tell everyone about that offer on the way out.

What are they gonna do? Fire me?

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