
Sick Pay Problems

Yesterday I called in sick given some gastrointestinal problems I’ve been going through and needed to get checked out. Now today, I’ve been told that because I didn’t provide adequate notice in advance (6 hours) and didn’t find my own cover (like I planned on having this come up and was in any state to figure out anything besides my own health) that I am not qualified for sick pay. I think many would agree this is unfair. Is there any recourse I have for this?

Yesterday I called in sick given some gastrointestinal problems I’ve been going through and needed to get checked out. Now today, I’ve been told that because I didn’t provide adequate notice in advance (6 hours) and didn’t find my own cover (like I planned on having this come up and was in any state to figure out anything besides my own health) that I am not qualified for sick pay. I think many would agree this is unfair. Is there any recourse I have for this?

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