
I think it’s time to quit

I’ve been working for the same company for over 3 years now and I’m on my third department within the company. I’ve hated each one, but after coming back from vacation out of country, I’ve found my job more unbearable than ever before. I’ve had a mental breakdown both days since coming back and found myself paralyzed on my day off, unable to do anything, even things I enjoy, all because I know I have to come back to this shit for another 40 hours. I don’t want to quit because I need the income and insurance, but I can’t take this anymore. Nothing at my company ever works. I don’t like the work in this particular department. Even if I wanted to switch to a different department again, I can’t because the company has a hiring freeze now. Quitting is scary, but maybe it’s time for me to quit.…

I’ve been working for the same company for over 3 years now and I’m on my third department within the company. I’ve hated each one, but after coming back from vacation out of country, I’ve found my job more unbearable than ever before. I’ve had a mental breakdown both days since coming back and found myself paralyzed on my day off, unable to do anything, even things I enjoy, all because I know I have to come back to this shit for another 40 hours. I don’t want to quit because I need the income and insurance, but I can’t take this anymore. Nothing at my company ever works. I don’t like the work in this particular department. Even if I wanted to switch to a different department again, I can’t because the company has a hiring freeze now. Quitting is scary, but maybe it’s time for me to quit. I’ve been saying for years that I want to.

If anyone has any advice, it’s much appreciated. If not, thanks for reading my post.

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