
What you need notice before I take vacation 2 days 2 weeks whatever I think NOT!

2 day or 2 week or whatever notice companies and their one way policies notice if you get a day off. If they want to change your schedule they can tell you the end of your shift the day before. This is rubbish I want two weeks notice my schedule matters just as much as my schedule. A company is no more of a person than I am if companies want to be people start treating people more like people have to treat people! You want me to work more hours less hours be called in from a month layoff a week into it I need the same notice you expect. We should vote into law a new reciprocal notice policy where any company that expects notice should be expected to give the employee the same amount of notice for any schedule change! That includes any “mandatory overtime” which should…

2 day or 2 week or whatever notice companies and their one way policies notice if you get a day off. If they want to change your schedule they can tell you the end of your shift the day before. This is rubbish I want two weeks notice my schedule matters just as much as my schedule. A company is no more of a person than I am if companies want to be people start treating people more like people have to treat people! You want me to work more hours less hours be called in from a month layoff a week into it I need the same notice you expect. We should vote into law a new reciprocal notice policy where any company that expects notice should be expected to give the employee the same amount of notice for any schedule change! That includes any “mandatory overtime” which should be illegalized as work is at will and when you sign up you are not signing up expecting mandatory overtime all the time thats a HUGE indicator you guys are NOT paying enough if you can afford to do this all the time by the way!

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