
Lunch breaks

I work an 8:30-5:00 office job. When it comes to lunch breaks, I still think of the mindset, “I get 30 minutes off to relax, eat, and unwind a little.” However I see many of my coworkers eating and working at the same time! I’m wondering, is this the same deal for most people in the US? Or do you get to leave the office for a bit to get lunch?

I work an 8:30-5:00 office job. When it comes to lunch breaks, I still think of the mindset, “I get 30 minutes off to relax, eat, and unwind a little.” However I see many of my coworkers eating and working at the same time!

I’m wondering, is this the same deal for most people in the US? Or do you get to leave the office for a bit to get lunch?

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