
My Boss is Apparently Blind

So I handed my boss my two week notice today and apparently completely blindsided him. He apparently had no clue where or how I might possibly be upset with the place and wanting to go somewhere else. I've been doing a job well above my agreed upon pay grade for over a year now, without an appropriate pay raise (beyond the 'guaranteed' minimum raise each year). I've been repeatedly assured that “as soon as the spot opens” it'd mine – but they've filled two such spots with a cross-department hire in that time. I'm rapidly approaching the pay ceiling for my official title. But again, I'm repeatedly assured that the next promotion is as good as mine. Not the last “next” one, of course. That one was different. But this next one? Oh yeah, its definitely mine. Except it wasn't, this time either. They overpaid me by $50 once and…

So I handed my boss my two week notice today and apparently completely blindsided him. He apparently had no clue where or how I might possibly be upset with the place and wanting to go somewhere else.

I've been doing a job well above my agreed upon pay grade for over a year now, without an appropriate pay raise (beyond the 'guaranteed' minimum raise each year). I've been repeatedly assured that “as soon as the spot opens” it'd mine – but they've filled two such spots with a cross-department hire in that time.

I'm rapidly approaching the pay ceiling for my official title. But again, I'm repeatedly assured that the next promotion is as good as mine. Not the last “next” one, of course. That one was different. But this next one? Oh yeah, its definitely mine. Except it wasn't, this time either.

They overpaid me by $50 once and had it accounted for the very next paycheck. But when I bring up they still haven't paid out the $500 referral bonus for the friend who I got a job, I'm told I need to be patient and that it takes time for Payroll to process those sorts of things. 2 months (and counting) more than the three months they say it takes, it seems.

And speaking of the friend I got a job…

My current schedule is 3×10, 2×5. Basically a 10hr, a 5hr, two 10s, a 5, and then my weekend. Before my friend got hired, I asked if I could be shifted to 4×10. I was told that “just isn't feasible for our department”. Two weeks later, when my buddy is interviewed? They offer him an almost copy-paste version of the schedule suggestion I sent to my boss for me.

So yeah.

My boss just can't see why I'm quitting.

I think he needs his eyes checked.

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