
I need a job I can stand to do.

Left the toxic industry I’ve been in for over a decade, and now I’m trying to figure out what the hell I want to do for work. I’ve done the mental work to remove my self-worth from my job, but now I can’t figure out a job that I would enjoy to do. I just want a 9-5 I can leave at work and pay my bills with. Not looking for a calling. What are some of the jobs you guys have found fit an anti-capitalist approach to life (or as much of an approach you can have in the US)?

Left the toxic industry I’ve been in for over a decade, and now I’m trying to figure out what the hell I want to do for work.

I’ve done the mental work to remove my self-worth from my job, but now I can’t figure out a job that I would enjoy to do. I just want a 9-5 I can leave at work and pay my bills with. Not looking for a calling.

What are some of the jobs you guys have found fit an anti-capitalist approach to life (or as much of an approach you can have in the US)?

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