
Should I report it?

My boss sent out a very condescending email stating that we are not allowed to discuss our wage with anyone- not our coworkers, our buddies, anyone. And that it must be kept private. He said it’s a violation of company policy and that we will be dealt with based on HR regulations. I sent him a text telling him I didn’t feel comfortable with this and that it’s our right as employees. He replied back that someone had “manipulated him” because they knew someone else’s salary and asked me why I was concerned in the first place. I told him I was just looking out letting him know that it was illegal. I’m torn on what to do. This is very illegal and I feel like most people don’t know this. Because most people don’t know this, they think it’s something the company is allowed to do. Based on the…

My boss sent out a very condescending email stating that we are not allowed to discuss our wage with anyone- not our coworkers, our buddies, anyone. And that it must be kept private. He said it’s a violation of company policy and that we will be dealt with based on HR regulations. I sent him a text telling him I didn’t feel comfortable with this and that it’s our right as employees. He replied back that someone had “manipulated him” because they knew someone else’s salary and asked me why I was concerned in the first place. I told him I was just looking out letting him know that it was illegal. I’m torn on what to do. This is very illegal and I feel like most people don’t know this. Because most people don’t know this, they think it’s something the company is allowed to do. Based on the National Labor Relation Act, they are absolutely not allowed to. I am worried about the coworker who “manipulated” him was just someone who felt they were being stiffed. Would anything come of it even if I did?

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