
My own ‘nobody wants to work’ story!

I have a decent job but of course I’m always looking to see what else is out there. I came across an ad for a small local organization and against my better judgment sent them my resume. That was yesterday. Then today they emailed me wanting to set up an interview. Reeks of desperation but okay I’ll bite. I replied to their email and said I would love to set up an interview…but first I would need to know about the salary and benefits package (as those weren’t disclosed in the ad). The salary they came back with was $20,000 less than I am currently making…and a benefits package worse than what I currently have. Thanks to people on this sub and others for making me think a lot harder and forcing me to realize how little many employers value their people.

I have a decent job but of course I’m always looking to see what else is out there.
I came across an ad for a small local organization and against my better judgment sent them my resume. That was yesterday.
Then today they emailed me wanting to set up an interview. Reeks of desperation but okay I’ll bite.
I replied to their email and said I would love to set up an interview…but first I would need to know about the salary and benefits package (as those weren’t disclosed in the ad).
The salary they came back with was $20,000 less than I am currently making…and a benefits package worse than what I currently have.
Thanks to people on this sub and others for making me think a lot harder and forcing me to realize how little many employers value their people.

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